Thrive Perspectives

ESG Reporting: an opportunity, not a chore
Jane Dennyson Jane Dennyson

ESG Reporting: an opportunity, not a chore

Any company with employees, customers and/or investors should consider their ESG report as a golden opportunity to engage, communicate and build intrinsic value/relationships. You may not HAVE to report but this is changing fast and nobody wants to be a laggard.

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Greenwashing 101
Jane Dennyson Jane Dennyson

Greenwashing 101

According to an EU study 42% of all green claims in European companies marketing materials were exaggerated, false or deceptive.

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Creating value and business resilience through ESG
Jane Dennyson Jane Dennyson

Creating value and business resilience through ESG

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is fast becoming common language in the boardroom and we think it can form an essential part of your leadership rhetoric when building business and gaining the support of your internal and external stakeholders.

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